The Queen's Hall
Venue Details
Phone: 0131 668 2019
Extra details about The Queen's Hall
Box Office: 10am-2pm
Monday-Friday (phone and counter)
85-89 Clerk Street

Creating music memories since 1979, The Queen’s Hall is Edinburgh’s premier independent mid-sized live music venue, hosting world-class artists from all musical fields: classical, jazz, folk and roots, rock and pop and Americana.
Access Details
Wheelchair accommodation is available in the centre and side stalls. Access into the building is via a ramp up to front right-hand entrance, next to the Box Office. There are two wheelchair accessible toilets to the left-hand side of the rear fire exit in the bar. Please let us know if you need a wheelchair space when buying your ticket.
Assistance dogs are welcome.
There is an induction loop in the main auditorium to help patrons with hearing difficulties. Turn your hearing aid to the T position to pick up sound directly from the stage.
Only small handbags, backpacks and briefcases will be permitted and must be kept with you at all times. Random bag searches may be carried out. There is no cloakroom facility.