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A ray of sun shines over stained glass.

A Ceremony of Carols

With the SCO Chorus

SCO Chorus
Gregory Batsleer chorus director
Eleanor Hudson harp

As Christmas grows close, step into the warm glow of choral splendour as the SCO Chorus fills Greyfriars Kirk with seasonal music to captivate, calm and inspire you.

Immerse yourself in Tallis’ serene Renaissance polyphony and Britten’s magical choral ritual welcoming the Yuletide season with a tapestry of carols ancient and modern. Celebrated British composer Rebecca Dale provides spiritual insights, while Roderick Williams surrounds you with wintry birdsong and celebration, supplication and faith in his luminous O Adonai.

A brand-new seasonal creation from SCO Associate Composer Jay Capperauld brings the concert to a light-filled, warming conclusion.

*Commissioned by the SCO Chorus

Please note: These concerts are not part of the SCO Multibuy ticket offer.

Programme Notes


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