L'Enfance du Christ
Usher Hall, Edinburgh
City Halls, Glasgow
Maxim Emelyanychev conductor
Paula Murrihy Mary
Andrew Staples Narrator, Centurion
Roderick Williams Joseph, Polydorus
Callum Thorpe Herod, Ishmaelite Father
SCO Chorus
Gregory Batsleer chorus director
Welcome the coming festive season with one of the tenderest, most captivating Christmas pieces ever created.
L’Enfance du Christ is a lavish operatic oratorio that tells of Herod’s Massacre of the Innocents, and the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt, blending surging drama and ethereal wonder, mighty choral set pieces with sublime solos of exquisite beauty. Berlioz conjures music of deep passion and belief, but it’s also a moving story of new life and family love that brings you up close to Mary, Joseph and Jesus as they flee their home and run for their lives.
Maxim Emelyanychev directs Berlioz’s visionary masterpiece, with an exceptional cast of international vocal soloists, and the richness of the SCO Chorus.