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Immerse offers a live orchestral concert and a unique learning experience for upper secondary school music pupils. It is designed to inspire creativity and enhance understanding of musical concepts used in the repertoire.

Immerse concerts are offered free to schools and seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Immerse 2024

Featuring The Origin of Colour by SCO’s Associate Composer Jay Capperauld

Immerse 2024 features The Origin of Colour, a new commission from SCO Associate Composer Jay Capperauld and introduces creative music making processes inspired by image, shapes and colour. The concert will be presented and introduced by Jay himself, who will share how he created this exciting new work. Jay will be joined by visual artist and musician Kirsty Matheson who will introduce her artworks inspired by The Origin of Colour and Beethoven Symphony No 6, 'Pastoral'.

A resource pack will accompany the concerts and be available to teachers a month in advance of the concerts.

Concert Locations

17th September 2024 | Edinburgh (Queen’s Hall)
18th September 2024 | Aberdeen (Music Hall)
19th September 2024 | Inverness (Eden Court)

Immerse 2024 is funded by The Inverness Common Good Fund.

Online Resources

Explore a suite of online resources from previous Immerse and Masterworks concerts.

Supported by

JTH Charitable Trust
Sir Iain Stewart Foundation
Inverness Common Good Fund