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List of News Articles

  1. Heavenly realms

    6 May 2024

    We look at some of the many depictions of Heaven in the Christian choral tradition.
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  2. Die Nummerierung von Sinfonien

    22 April 2024

    Anlässlich unserer Konzerte in Würzburg (am 26. und 27. Mai), werfen wir einen Blick auf eine knifflige Frage ...
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  3. La numérotation des symphonies

    22 April 2024

    Pour marquer le concert de l'Orchestre à la Halle aux Grains, le 21 mai, nous nous penchons sur une question parfois épineuse ...
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  4. Mendelssohn and the Bach revival

    15 April 2024

    How Bach fell from favour and rose to glory again ...
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  5. Musical jokes, from satire to April Fools

    29 March 2024

    In anticipation of April Fools' Day, we take a look at some examples of musical tomfoolery.
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  6. Ravel and the art of orchestration

    25 March 2024

    What makes Ravel such a great orchestrator?
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  7. Scandinavian myths in music

    11 March 2024

    An overview of Nordic legends retold in music, from Grieg to the present day.
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  8. Beethoven and the Eroica theme

    4 March 2024

    What drew Beethoven to return to the same theme four times over?
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  9. Two centuries of musical sunrises

    19 February 2024

    From Haydn to Maxwell Davies, composers have delighted in portraying the majesty of the rising sun. We look at a few of them ...
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  10. Wind instruments in chamber music

    22 January 2024

    We look at the evolution of wind instruments in chamber music, from guest appearances to fully-fledged wind ensembles.
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  11. Arrangements, (re)orchestrations and transcriptions: a bluffer's guide

    15 January 2024

    Is there any real difference between these terms?
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  12. The Prix de Rome: a double-edged sword

    8 January 2024

    Berlioz tried four times to win France's most prestigious competition for young composers. Was it worth it?
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