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List of News Articles

  1. A potted history of the New Year's Day Concert

    8 December 2022

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  2. Soundbox: a conversation between Laura Baxter and Jay Capperauld

    6 December 2022

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  3. The Scottish Symphony and beyond

    30 November 2022

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  4. A woman viewed from the side. She rests her head on the back of her hands. Her long dress billows behind her dramatically

    Mozart's last piano concerto: why is it underrated?

    24 November 2022

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  5. A man stands in profile (facing the camera) on a hillside, framed by two trees, with a series of stone columns from an unfinished temple on the far left

    Peter Whelan: poacher turned gamekeeper?

    18 November 2022

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  6. Israel in Egypt (according to the SCO Chorus)

    14 November 2022

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  7. Grażyna Bacewicz: a quietly radical composer

    11 November 2022

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  8. Eleanor Alberga's Nightscape - a Jamaican serenade

    1 November 2022

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  9. Alban Gerhardt: "the composer is the creator, I am just his servant"

    31 October 2022

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  10. Maxim's Baroque Inspirations: weird and wonderful instruments

    27 October 2022

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  11. Schumann's symphonies: a case of belated recognition

    20 October 2022

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  12. The inspirational life of trail-blazing composer Florence Price

    19 October 2022

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