Moira Morrison
Craigmillar Voices Lead Artist
Moira Morrison is a vocal animateur, conductor and composer who is fascinated by the Kodály method relationship between music and movement. Her ethos is one of total inclusivity, creating a place where every voice is heard, encouraged and celebrated.
She loves working with all ages, is the director of youth choir Dunbar Voices and Assistant Director of NYCoS Midlothian, plus adult choirs, the Gilmerton Singers, Health in Harmony NHS Borders choir and Scotland's first juggling choir, Circus Voices.
Moira regularly writes for all her groups, including projects for East Lothian YMI, McOpera Outreach and Haddo Arts. She is the chorus master for the Lammermuir Festival Community Operas, and a singer and accordian player in Bristol Branch, Scotland's only Brazilian Forró band.