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Dunard Fund

Visiting Artists Fund
Colin and Sue Buchan
Harry and Carol Nimmo
Anne and Matthew Richards

International Touring Fund
Gavin and Kate Gemmell

American Development Fund
Erik Lars Hansen and Vanessa C L Chang

Productions Fund
Anne, Tom and Natalie Usher
Bill and Celia Carman
Anny and Bobby White

Scottish Touring Fund
Eriadne and George Mackintosh
Claire and Anthony Tait

Annual Fund
James and Patricia Cook

Creative Learning Fund
Sabine and Brian Thomson

Chair Sponsors
Geoff and Mary Ball
Principal Timpani | Louise Lewis Goodwin
Ken Barker and Martha Vail Barker
Principal Viola | Max Mandel

Ronald and Stella Bowie
Sub-Principal Cello | Su-a Lee

Sir Ewan and Lady Brown
Viola | Steve King
Jo and Alison Elliot
Principal Second Violin | Marcus Barcham Stevens
Caroline Hahn and Richard Neville-Towle
Principal Double Bass | Nikita Naumov

J Douglas Home
Second Violin | Rachel Smith

Christine Lessels
Viola | Brian Schiele
Professor Sue Lightman
Cello | Donald Gillan

Donald and Louise MacDonald
Conductor Emeritus | Joseph Swensen
Jasmine Macquaker Charitable Fund
Cello | Eric de Wit
Anne McFarlane
Chorus Director | Gregory Batsleer
Stuart and Alison Paul
Principal Clarinet | Maximiliano Martín
Claire and Anthony Tait
Principal Bassoon | Cerys Ambrose-Evans

The Thomas Family
Principal Cello | Philip Higham
Claire and Mark Urquhart
Principal Flute | André Cebrián
In memory of Hedley G Wright
Principal Oboe | Robin Williams